Review ‘Collateral’


Tom Cruise in an adrenaline blast movie ‘Collateral’

Tom Cruise

A lot of directors could learn from this one and we’re not just talking Bollywood and Kollywood but ol’ Hollywood as well. Here you have a story about a contract killer on a tight schedule – five people, one night. You’d think something like this would mean large amounts of bloodsplattering, paragraphs of bad language, and some show of skin. Nope, none of the above.

Mann just gives you this edgy, fast-paced thriller that zips you from frame to frame without a moment’s pause. With as much action in the talk as in the action itself.

You have just two people to watch – Tom Cruise as Vincent with his silver hair and eerie monotone and Jamie Foxx as Max with his taxi cab and dreams. Vincent hires Max for the night, tells him he’s in the real estate business and has to make five stops in the one night. Max is fine with that, the man’s a good tipper, and the money’s going to get him closer to the limo he’s always wanted to own. But that’s only until the first body drops from the sky onto his windshield, shattering everything – the car, the night, his dreams. And Vincent, well, it’s just one down, four to go. And that’s your movie for the night.

A total adrenaline blast without the blood and gore.

Director: Michael Mann; Cast: Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx

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