Tom’s Christmas plans

Note to chantal. I don’t think it’s very accurate, however, this might be

Movie superstar Tom Cruise, who has been living with his sister and her three children for much of this year, is hoping to show off his culinary skills this Christmas by treating his sister and her family to a terrific turkey dinner.
Tom famously cooked up spaghetti Carbonara on his first date with Penelope Cruz.

Tom says, “I can cook. I’ve cooked turkeys in my day. I hope to this year, unless my mom’s around. My mother is a great cook and when she’s around I like her stuffing best with her turkey.”

Tom says, “One of the best Christmases I had as a kid was when we didn’t buy each other stuff. My mother came up with this idea to pick names out of a hat and for a month you had to do something special for that person and then on Christmas day you had to write a poem or a story for that person.

And you couldn’t reveal who it was, so all five of us were running around doing things.

“I had my sister so I had to go and make her bed when she was in the shower because you can’t get caught. It was fantastic.”

HOLA! magazine also reported that Penelope’s parents would be joining her and Tom on christmas!

And a merry christmas to all of the Cruisers out there šŸ™‚

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