Suri Cruise Sends a Thank-You Note

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’s daughter Suri is not only well dressed, she’s well mannered. After visiting a Shreveport, La., children’s store recently, the 1-year-old (with a little help from her mom) sent the owners a thank-you note – on her very own embossed stationery.

Melissa Dixon, 23, co-owner of the Ladies in Waiting children’s store, tells PEOPLE that Holmes, Suri and two bodyguards visited the shop after Holmes’s assistant called ahead to say she’d be in.

With advance notice, Dixon and co-owner Pam Baker, an artist, got busy and created a special pink picture frame decorated with a princess, butterflies – and Suri’s name across the bottom.

Holmes’s reaction to the frame? “She was really excited,” says Dixon.

Dixon says both Holmes and Suri were outgoing: “Katie was really friendly. When she came in she walked up and introduced herself and Suri. We probably had three other kids in here. She complimented everybody else’s children and said how cute they were. She was really sweet.

“Katie let Suri walk around,” Dixon adds. “One customer had a two-week-old baby and Suri wanted to pick her up. She would wave at the other children and want to play with them.”

During their hour-long stay, Holmes bought Suri a pink dress with white rickrack by Princess Linens, three pairs of rain boots, a blanket, some stuffed bunnies and several games. A few days later, Dixon and Baker received a thank-you note.

“The stationery is cream-colored with ‘Suri Cruise’ embossed across the top,” says Dixon. Read the note: “Dear Melissa and Pam, Thank you so much for the beautiful frame for Suri. It is so sweet and reminds us of our wonderful visit to your store and our time in Shreveport. It was a pleasure meeting you, and we thank you again for this unexpected treasure. Warmly, Katie and Suri.” (