Category: Site Stuff


New layout! Yes, summer time… I like doing summer layouts when it’s winter down here :), I’m not a big a fan of summer so this is the best way to celebrate it. What do you think??

Also, I completely re-did the Filmography section, go check it out!! It’s much more organized and complete now.


Anyone who knows me knows how much I love making sites, graphics and everything related to it. And, how much feedback is important to me, since there is no point of making a website for myself. Then, things like this and makes me wonder, what the hell? What have I done so bad so that stupid person say things like that about me. I’ve never spoken to her/him except on the board.
The only reason why I delete all Scientology threads is because everytime I let it open someone from another religion, or Scientology haters come to the board just to bash it. It’s pointeless. I’ve tried over 10 times. Never worked. Now I’m done with it cause people just won’t respect. And this is not the point of the board. It’s to talk about Tom. It’s his religion, yes, but that’s not relevant. It wont change anything on his way of acting.

And the Nicole threads, we’ve had way too many Nicole threads in the past, they’ve all turned into Tom bashing threads. I love Nicole, but I won’t allow any bashing Tom thread. There are several trash boards on the web for that, I won’t allow it in here. And if you want to talk about Nicole, go on and search for Nicole Kidman. I’m sure that there are boards about her on the web.

Now, if anyone is wondering if I’m having any thoughts of closing this site, the answer is NO. I have this site open for over 4 years (if you count Tom Cruise Web) and I’ve had shit like this before, it doesn’t affect me. Inferior people are like that. You need to walk through them and just look the other way, cause they’re not even worth you look.

If you want to continue discussing this, please go to the forum

We’re back!

Sorry for the ‘broken’ time, everything should be working properly now, e-mail me if you see anything strange!

News Archive

The News Archive is back (it’s at the bottom). It should be working fine now, if anyone has any problem, e-mail me!

We’ve moved!

The bad news is that some news are missing. The good news is the gallery is now working perfectly fine and not so slow anymore!

ETA: Comments should be working now. E-mail me at if you’re getting any errors in the site!


New layout! To celebrate our first year online, we’ve opened on Halloween, I decided to make a new layout!! Let me know what you guys think!
Thanks for all your support during this time! It means the world to me, and I know Fanny and Janine too!


So, I got inspired after watching Jerry Maguire for the 100th time and even made an wallpaper!
Check it out!


The skins doesnt seem to be working for everyone, I need for those who don’t work to e-mail me and tell me what browser are you using and what’s the version.


In case you didn’t notice, there’s a new section called Media…, suggestions for what more should be there?


If you’re like: “huh?”. Skins are made to let the user choose the layout. I’ve put two online, you can check the Skins page.
There is still a few bugs such as tables not aligned, but the site should be working fine. E-mail me if you catch any error!

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